Things to Consider before Purchasing a Piano:
1. Budget – How Much am I Willing or Able to Pay?
2. Type – Upright: Spinet? Console? Studio? Full-sized Upright?
Grand: Petite-Baby-Home-Professional-Concert Length can affect sound!
Digital (electronic): Size? Weight? What will you be using it for?
3. Size – How large is the space you will be putting it? Are there Height, Width, or Depth restrictions?
4. Sound – What type of sound do you want or enjoy in your piano? Mello, bright, or something in between.
5. Touch – How do the keys feel and react to your touch? Do they give you the control you want?
6. Quality of materials and construction – Just like where you live, the quality of materials and attention to carrying out quality construction techniques matter.
As I mentioned before, these are but a few examples of variables to consider before buying a new (to you) piano! There is good news, though – Piano Technicians are knowledgeable about the instruments they help you care for. Ask questions! Let them help you think through the process.
There is no need to “Go it Alone”! We are here to help.